Individual Full Access - Debit order

N$ 205 per month

Individual Weekend Access - Debit order

N$ 140 per month

Family Full Access - Debit order

N$ 410 per month

Family Weekend Access - Debit order

N$ 280 per month

Individual Full Access - Once off

N$ 615

Individual Weekend Access - Once off

N$ 420

Family Full Access - Once off

N$ 1230

Family Weekend Access - Once off

N$ 840

Tips on filling out the membership form

By becoming an IJG Trails member you help us to protect and conserve this natural gem of pristine bushveld on the Auas mountain foothills.

We would therefore like to make the administrative side as painless as possible. New membership takes a bit longer but once you are in, the renewal process is very quick.

You can get the following ready to ensure the form submission is quick and easy:

Firstly: The form will ask you to upload a photo of you and each of your family members (preferably without sunglasses).

The purpose of the photo is for the security guards to easily recognise you from the picture on your membership card. So get that ready so long.

Secondly: The form will also ask for the form of payment. You can either join with a once-off fee, a credit card payment or via a monthly debit order fee.

For the once-off fee you can either do a direct bank deposit and attach the proof as pdf / jpg / tiff. Or you can use the PayToday app and also attach the proof of payment as pdf / jpg / tiff. Please see our banking details below.

For the credit card payment, please click on the link to open the page of the different options of online shop. Once you have selected the package, click on the “cart” at the top of the page and follow the instructions. Once payment has been made, you will be given a order number. Please use the order number to complete the sign up form.

Click to open up credit card options

For the monthly debit order payment option, it will as you to submit your banking details from which the monthly fee will be deducted automatically. You will also have to agree to the debit order agreement.

Banking details:

Account name: Farm Windhoek Adventure Tourism cc

Bank: Bank Windhoek

Branch: Maerua Mall 483-872

Account nr: 8004143016

Type: Cheque / Current