Discover our vast trail network spanning over 100km for an unforgettable outdoor adventure.
Excited about your outdoor adventure? Check out our membership packages and choose the best one for your needs. Can’t wait to see you out there!
Coffee Wild
Coffee Wild is situated at the IJG Trails trailhead, offering a large range of beverages and a place to unwind and enjoy nature.
Welcome to IJG Trails!
IJG Trails have over 100km of tracks blazing through the foothills of the Auas Mountains. A good mix of Jeep track and Single track winds you over mountains and through the valleys. Some follow well-trodden cattle paths while others are purposefully cut and shaped for fun and adrenaline.
From October until March, gate opening times are as follows:
Open at 6:30 and close at 19:00. Last entry for the day is at 18:30.
The day fee cost is N$ 50 per person or N$100 per family. Please note ‘family’ is the main member, spouse and their children under 21 years.
Fees can be paid cash at the gate or using PayToday.
Pensioners, 60 years and older, enter for free (please provide ID to prove the date of birth). Children under the age of 7 years, enter for free.
To become a member of IJG Trails, you will need to fill out an online application form, choose a membership type and payment option. Please click here to join.
There are two entrances, one at the end of Otjivero Street in Kleine Kuppe and one in Waldorf at the end of Andries de Wet Street. Click on street name to open Google maps
The Coffee Wild is open daily from 7:30 to 18:45 during October until March.